Saturday 1 March 2014

Contents Page Evaluation

This is my final contents page for my indie music magazine. I chose the colours grey, black, white and burgundy for this page. I did this because this is the colour scheme for my indie music magazine. I used lots of conventions on my contents page of which I have previously seen on other indie music magazine contents pages. First of all, I made sure the masthead was in the top left hand corner with the title 'Contents' underneath. I did this because it is a convention I saw in other music magazines. Another thing I did was make a band list, this is something I saw in NME magazine. I liked this idea and I thought it was add to my magazine and its indie style. On the left hand side of the page I have my contents information, this has two section in it, 'Features' and 'Regulars'. I did this because most magazines have their contents information split in two. In the bottom left hand corner is an contact information box. This box includes social networking sites which you can follow to keep up with the magazine. This is also a convention of which I found in other magazines. The middle section of my contents page is three pictures with a caption, these are the main pieces of contents. I decided to do this because NME do a similar thing and I thought it was very effective and eye catching. In the bottom right hand corner is a subscription which is very popular in all magazines lately. I added the logo and date to the bottom of the page because this is was used in NME, as well as the style of the page number. I liked all of these conventions because I feel that it adds to the indie theme. I am happy with how my final contents page has ended up. I feel that I used the correct conventions and that my contents page supports the idea of a indie music magazine.

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