Saturday 1 March 2014

Double Page Spread Evaluation

This is my final double page spread for my indie music magazine. I used conventions of music magazines to create these pages. My colour scheme is still the same throughout this page using grey, white, black and burgundy. The main image for this double page spread is of the model I chose to be my artist. I chose this photo specifically because in other magazines I noticed that the model is on one page with the scenery spreading to the other page. Behind my model on the left hand page I put the logo for my artist that is also seen on the front cover. Beneath this is a quote from the text on the right hand side. I put this in a font which I found from ''. This font makes the quote stand out really well. I also decided to change the colour for the last word 'fans' and the size of the word too to emphasise it. In the very bottom left hand corner I put the information for the main image. I put here the models name, the date it was taken and the place it was taken. I did this because I have also seen this convention in may other magazines. On the right hand side page, I put the title for the article at the top, in bold so it was obviously the title. Underneath this is the subtitle, also in black but smaller to make it seen as important but not as important as the title. Lastly, three columns of writing which is the article. I made the text at the beginning white as the introduction, then after that the questions are in burgundy and the answers in white. All of this right hand page is a typical layout of a music magazine of which I have seen and took the idea and adapted it from. Finally, the last conventions I added are the same logo and date of which was on the contents page, I kept this on this page as in NME I saw this convention, they have this running through the whole magazine. One other thing which runs through the whole magazine is the page numbers in triangles. I used this too because I also felt this was a great touch to the magazine. I am very pleased with the outcome of my double page spread. I feel as though I have used as many conventions as I can and that it looks professional.

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