Thursday 27 February 2014

Article for Double Page Spread



Romy Stone reveals all top secret information about how she rose to fame in just under six months on YouTube


Romy Stone, singer-songwriter from London, at just 17 rose to fame due to a phenomenal reaction from viewers on social networking site YouTube. After uploading her first cover of "Yellow" by Coldplay back in September, her views and subscriptions shot up by thousands by the day. Only weeks after this, when she had over 12 million subscribers Universal Music Group, a well known record label, contacted Romy and offered her the opportunity to sign to them. It didn't take long for her to make the desicion and since then, Romy has been working on her first album which she is hoping to be a massive hit.
Having Romy Stone in the building today, we took advantage and through a few buzzing questions at her which we and surely readers are dying to know. Here's what was said when we finally pinned her down!

Hey Romy, nice to have you in the building today! First question to be fired is, how is the new album coming on? 
Hi Emily, it's a pleasure to be here! Well, it's nearly complete really just a little more editing to be done and it will be ready to release! It's really exciting to have my first album nearly done! 

That's really great! We can't wait to hear it! What is the album based around? Does it have any hidden messages or stories? 
I can't wait to hear it all finished either! Messages and stories? Yeah there are a few, some of the songs basically describe how I was feeling at certain times like ups and downs in my life, stories in there of past experiences which have impacted my life a lot. It's an album letting my fans know my inner most thoughts and feelings over these past few months, although there are a few songs of which I wrote a while ago, a few of my personal favourites.

Well, I'll be sure to listen to it! So, what has this record deal done to your life? What changes have been made? Any positives or negatives? 
Thanks, it means a lot! Well the record deal has changed an awful lot in my life! I get recognised in lots of different places, asked for autographs, photos, being asked to go on talk shows and magazine interviews! It hasn't really got any negatives! I'm just busy all the time now, and I really love it! It has been the best opportunity for me! I wouldn't be here without my fans! Thanks to them I got recognised and it has hopefully changed my life forever!

We're all so happy for you here at BMA! How did you feel when Universal Music Group contacted you because of your YouTube videos? 
Thank you! First of all I was completely utterly shocked! I couldn't believe they were interested in my! It was a dream come true and if it wasn't for my fans, I don't think they would have even noticed me! The amount of views and subscriptions I got on YouTube was overwhelming and I felt so incredibly lucky! The moment they offered me a contract I burst into tears but I could not ever turn the offer down, it was one hundered percent a yes! 

We're thrilled for you! A new genuine star is what this industry needs! And we can garruntee we will be playing your album when it comes out! It's been an honour having you here today! Thank you! 
Thank you! It's been a pleasure for me too! Hope to see you soon! 

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