Friday 31 January 2014

Contents Page Sketch

Below is a sketch of which I came up with for my contents page of my indie music magazine.

This contents page sketch includes conventions of a music magazine as well. I have placed the title of the contents page (masthead) at the top left hand side corner as this is where it is usually placed. Underneath this will be the meaning of my magazine title (BMA) and also the magazine date. Next on my contents page will be my contents information for my magazine. This will be presented as a list in different colours, sizes and maybe fonts. Beneath this will be some special features in my magazine so that the reader knows what page to turn to for things such as ways to win prizes or secret information. Next to this will be more contents information but more important pages with pictures to give the reader an insight to what is on the page. To the right of this is a list of bands and a page number. This will be so that the reader can search for their favourite band and find what page to find them on in a very quick way. In the top right hand corner, there will be a box with important pages on to read like popular stories. The left hand side bottom corner will be filled with a box which will inform the reader of different social networking sites that the magazine are on and ways to find the and follow their posts. Lastly in the bottom right hand corner there will be a box explaining how to subscribe to the magazine with information such as prices.

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