Thursday 2 January 2014

Conventions of the genre Indie

What seen to be the conventions of the genre Indie?

Whilst looking and the genre Indie, I have noticed that some conventions that appear in most of the indie magazines I looked at. I looked at three magazines, NME, SPIN and Q. I noticed when observing them that all that the mastheads and all in red and white, whether it's a red background with white writing on top or red writing with a white outline. One other thing that I realised all the indie music magazines had in common was that on the front cover there is always a music artist. Generally the artist on the front is the main story on the inside and they have a double page spread. Another thing I saw was that two of the magazines (Q and NME) had their barcode on the front cover in the right hand bottom corner. This was different to the other magazine (SPIN) because it didn't have a barcode on the front cover at all. One other thing I noticed when comparing and looking at the indie music magazines was that they always have band names or band pictures on the front to show the reader what type of magazine it is and also what the issue will be talking about. You can see proof of these conventions in the actual magazines that I compared below.

After reading and analysing these indie music magazines I decided I would try to use the same conventions so that m own magazine would look the same and give a similar feel. I will also follow the conventions closely because I want to interpret the magazine how I feel it would make it more popular so I will follow the conventions yet change something slightly.

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