Friday 17 January 2014

Title Ideas For Indie Music Magazine

What is your title for your magazine?

For my magazine title I had numerous ideas for the title. I wasn't sure whether I wanted the title to be a word, a few words or letters that stand for something. I made a note of the titles i came up with overall and then narrowed it down to what I thought would look best.

Here is a list of the possibilities I made for my masthead title:


-IMC (Indie Music Channel)

-Indie Music

-BMA (British Music Academy)

-IMF (Indie Music Fusion)


-Music Fusion

Once I had listed my ideas, I thought about the main magazine that I am basing my own music magazine on (NME) and I narrowed it down to the masthead being letters which stand for something. NME's magazine title stands New Musical Express. I thought that this was an effective way to make the magazine look professional as well as give it meaning. Once I had narrowed it down to my last three options, IMC (Indie Music Channel), BMA (British Music Academy) and IMF (Indie Music Fusion) I had to see which one sounded best, looked best and one that people thought was catchy. First of all I said them to myself to see which one sounded most natural, I found that BMA sounded the best. I then looked at each one to see which one looked the best. I looked at the letters to see if they complimented each other well, I found the best one here was also BMA. Lastly, I asked a couple of friends which one they thought sounded most natural when saying them. out of asking 6 friends 4 came back saying BMA felt the most natural, followed by 1 vote for IMF and 1 for IMC.

Overall, I took in all the information of which I found from doing my little tests and it seemed as if BMA was top. Therefore BMA, standing for British Music Academy, will be the title for my indie music magazine.

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